
El Nimeño in Intimity, art photography by Emmanuelle Baudry

Tribal, surreal photography by Em'Art-Emmanuelle Baudry

Arènes de Noël, photographie par Em'Art-Emmanuelle Baudry

Fusion cosmique, photographie surréaliste par Em'Art

Catch-light, photography macro by Emmanuelle Baudry

Temporal Machine, surreal acrylic painting by Em'Art

Everyone its Part, surreal B&W photography by Em'Art

Starship IV, surreal photography by Em'Art

Back to Infinite, surreal photography by Em'Art

Retour à l'Infini, photographie surréaliste par Em'Art

Miukaye Oyasin, acrylique & fusain abstrait sur papier par Emmanuelle Baudry

Feelings, surreal photography by Emmanuelle Baudry

Golden Number, surreal photograph by Emmanuelle Baudry

When The Sun's Bursting Out, art photography by Em'Art

For a Queen, photography by Emmanuelle Baudry