
Rêve - Acrylique abstraite sur papier par Emmanuelle Baudry

Signal, peinture acrylique abstraite sur papier par Emmanuelle Baudry

Ocean of Life, abstract acrylic painting on paper by Emmanuelle Baudry

Waves, abstract acrylic painting on paper by Emmanuelle Baudry

Temporal Machine, abstract acrylic painting on paper by Emmanuelle Baudry

Conserveries, photographie surréaliste par Emmanuelle Baudry

Turn Flower, surreal photography by Emmanuelle Baudry

Mitakuye Oyasin, abstract acrylic & charcoal painting by Emmanuelle Baudry

Gold Number, surreal photography by Emmanuelle Baudry

To the Source, art photography by Emmanuelle Baudry

Sentin'Ailes, photographie noir et blanc par Emmanuelle Baudry

Ocean of Life, surreal photography by Emmanuelle Baudry

Interstellar Trip, surreal photography by Emmanuelle Baudry

The Call, surreal photography by Emmanuelle Baudry